Try this Out Guys --
int a = 20;
a++; //21
a += a--; //21+21 what about --?
a++; //21
a += a--; //21+21 what about --?
why the output is 42? why not 41 ?
why the output is 42? why not 41 ?
This is because these are postfix operations, so they are going to output the value of the variable prior to your increment or decrement statements.
As per the MSDN documentation :
The ++ and -- operators also support postfix notation, (Section 7.5.9). The result of x++ or x-- is the value of x before the operation, whereas the result of ++x or --x is the value of x after the operation. In either case, x itself has the same value after the operation.
You can see a working example demonstrating this below :
//Declare your integer value
int a = 20;
int a = 20;
//Increment it
//Now you'll see that your value is 21
//The following line is going to output (21) + (21)
Console.WriteLine(a += a--);
If you really wanted to output 41, you would need to use postfix notation instead which would output the value after your increment or decrement operation occurred by changing this line :
Console.WriteLine(a += a--);
If you really wanted to output 41, you would need to use postfix notation instead which would output the value after your increment or decrement operation occurred by changing this line :
a += a--;
to this :
to this :
a += --a;
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